
The Red Text sound embodies the confusion of a crowded bar with the sanctity of the open road. Using anthemic sounds with pensive lyrics that dwell, sometimes diffusely , on the all too familiar subjects of love, loss, and systems theory, the Red Text finds its own way to question the 'meaning in all of it.' Led by songwriter Mike Leeds, who is one of those guys that seems to have been doing this his whole life, lends help from several close friends and musical companions, but primarily seeking out the talents of Andy Anderson. Together they craft songs that tend to acknowledge some inner demons, yet while pointing fingers at everything else.

Mike Leeds

Mike has been involved in many projects over the years casting as a guitar player in rock bands with varying degrees of success. After spending a large portion of his early twenties bouncing from band to band he gravitated towards the comfort of family and regular employment, but continues writing and playing regularly. He also has found great success in dueling pianos playing hundreds of private and public events annually with Andy.  Hailing from the central part of the great state of Iowa, his influences range from gospel to Stanley Goodspeed but frequently cites the late Jeff Buckley 'as his Elvis.' 


Andy Anderson & Mike Leeds

Released in November 2017, The Last Great Fringe Theory is the first full album released by The Red Text featuring songs written over the past two decades.  The Red Text are currently working on finishing their 2nd full length album entitled Table for One which will be released April 2019.

The Last Great Fringe Theory Released in 2017